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‘혹시 모르니 다시 알려 드리자면’...영어로?

[Fri, Mar 12, 2021]
🌀Just a reminder
혹시 모르니 다시 알려 드리자면

🌻 Example
Joan : Just a reminder that last week we were professional adults living in a house before we moved here and turned 19 again.
Tony : Oh, it’s temporary. Actually, I’m excited about sleeping on a pull-out.

💖 Meaning
Joan : 혹시 모르니 얼려주는 건데 지난주 까지만 해도 번듯하게 사는 성인이었는데 다시 열아홉이 된 기분이야.
Tony : 잠깐이잖아. 난 접이식에서 자려니까 신나는데.

📽 Dear Friends,
Happy Friday to the grumpiest human being I know! I hope this magical day will enlighten your soul and make you smile.💋

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