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‘그냥 가벼운 문자를 보냈지’…영어로?

[Mon, June 21, 2021]
🍹 Nothing major
그냥 가벼운

Joan : So, this is the first text from Ariel in how long?
Tony : Five or Six weeks? After I sent Ariel’s stuff back. We were texting a little bit just “Hi, How are you?”, nothing major.

Joan : 얼마만에 문자가 온 거지?
Tony : 5주, 6주? Ariel 짐 보내고 나서. 그냥 가벼운 “안녕, 잘 지내?” 문자를 보냈지.

🍷Dear friends,
Good morning, sweet one. You’d surely have a great weekend if you started the week with a positive vibe. Stay positive, stay blessed. Enjoy this Monday. 💋

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