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‘좋게 헤어졌어요.’…in English?

[Wed, Apr 5, 2023]
👩‍🏫 ’좋게 헤어졌어요.’…in English?
We broke up. But we’re good.

🧑‍🏫 Example
Joan: You and Stephanie not speaking?
Tony: We broke up. But we’re good.
There’s probably a lot a guy like that can give her that I can’t.
Joan: She just wants kindness, honesty, loyalty…
Tony: I offer that. It wasn’t enough.

👨🏻‍🏫 Meaning
Joan: 스테파니랑 안 만나요?
Tony: 좋게 헤어졌어요. 나보다 잘해줄 사람이 많아요.
Joan: 친절하고 정직하고 성실한 사람이어야 해요.
Tony: 그렇게 했지만 그게 다가 아니더라고요.

#아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현
#영어로 #Example #meaning #엄마표영어 #오픽AL표현 #중급회화표현 #미드영어회화 #break_up #헤어지다 #good