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‘둘이 잘 맞나 봐요.’..in English?

[Thur, Sep 14, 2023]
🛵 ’둘이 잘 맞나 봐요.’..in English?
They seem to have really hit it off.

🛺 Example
Kelly:  It sounds like Annie and Bryce are making beautiful music together.
Joan: Yeah, they seem to have really hit it off.

🛴 Meaning
Kelly: 애니랑 브라이스가 근사한 음악을 연주하나 봐요.
Joan: 그래요, 둘이 잘 맞나 봐요.

#hitoff #죽이맞다 #부천중동어린이학원 #부천중동초중고영어학원  #조앤영어  #엄마표영어 #미드영어회화 #아침메시지 #부천조앤영어 #4대영역 #중동복사골영어학원  #부천중동스피킹학원