[Wed, Oct 11, 2023]
📒 ’그날은 빼놔요.’..in English?
You should save the date.
📕 Example
Karen: The invitations won’t go out for a few days, but you should still probably save the date.
Tony: If you want me at your wedding, I’ll be there.
Karen: And there’ll be a lot of healthy food there, so you can eat whatever you want.
Tony: Sounds even better.
📗 Meaning
Karen: 초대장은 며칠 뒤에 보낼 건데 그래도 그날은 빼놔요.
Tony: 결혼식에 초대한다면 가야죠.
Karen: 건강식을 많이 준비할 테니까 뭐든 먹을 수 있어요.
Tony: 그러면 더 좋죠.

#save #date #약속 #초대 #wedding #부천중동어린이학원 #중동복사골영어 #조앤영어 #모닝메시지 #부천중동복사골영어회화
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