[Fri, Dec 4, 2020]
☕️ Let it go
🍷 Example
James : But if she asks about me.
John : She won’t.
James : Yeah, Okay. But if she does.
John : She will not. Let it go.
James : I’m trying to let it go.
🍹 Meaning
James : 그녀가 나에 대해 궁금해 하면?
John : 안그럴걸
James : 그래도 혹시 그러면?
John : 잊어.
James : 노력중이야.
🧁 Dear Friends,
A good Friday can make you forget the long, cold week you had to survive for the last seven days. I hope this Friday will be a good Friday for you!💋
#english #영어 #영어회화 #영어작문 #영어어휘 #나혼자영어공부하기 #영어단어 #오픽토스 #비즈니스영어 #엄마표영어 #취업영어 #초등영어 #중고등영어 #영어어휘 #영어문법 #영문법 #let #it #go #let_it_go #잊다

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