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‘맛있는 치즈를 곁들여서 말이지...’...영어로?

[Fri, Dec 18, 2020]
🧁 pair up with
~와 짝을 이루다/ 함께 곁들이다

🍪 Example
Jin : What the hell happened to these two?
Sunny : We are just growing up. Like tonight, we’re tasting all these different wines, pairing them up with these coop gourmet cheese.

🍰 Meaning
Jim : 얘네 둘은 왜 이래?
Sunny : 우리는 그저 어른스러워진것 뿐이야.
오늘밤엔 여러 와인을 시음할 거야. 맛있는 치즈를 곁들여서 말이지.

🍩 Dear Friends,
I don’t want anything extra-ordinary on Fridays. I want to unwind and share happiness together. Happy Friday!💋

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