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‘제가 대신 왔습니다’...영어로? [Wed, Dec 16, 2020] 🧁 fill in 을 대신하다 🍪 Example Joan : Where’s Sunny? Tom : Oh, Unfortunately, she couldn’t make it today. I’m happy to fill in. 🍰 Meaning Joan : Sunny는 어디있죠? Tom : 안타깝게도 오늘 다른일이 생겨서 제가 대신 왔습니다. 🍩 Dear Friends, Happy Wednesday! Cheer up! there are still two days left until the weekend. 💋
[패턴연습] ‘회의에 가봤자 소용없어.’ ‘There’s no point in going to the meeting’ http://m.blog.naver.com/joy4english/222174565424
‘솔선수범하는 거지’...영어로? [Tue, Dec 15, 2020] 🧁 take initiative 솔선수범하다 🍪 Example Mom : What’s going on? Joan. I thought you were refreshing sparkling waters. Joan : Oh, I finished refreshing the waters, so I just grabbed the puffs. Just taking initiative, Mom. 🍰 Meaning Mom : 어떻게 된거야? 넌 탄산수 담당이잖아. Joan : 탄산수는 이미 다 채워놔서 튀김갖고 나왔어. 솔선수범하는 거지. 🍩 Dear Friends, Good morning Tuesday. May this day shower with more blessing and g..
‘벌레씹은 얼굴을 하고’...영어로? [Mon, Dec 14, 2020] 🧁 a wormy face 우거지상 🍪 Example Joan : I used to work on Arlington. ‘Cake Baby.’ John : Oh, there? You made good cake. Joan : Thanks. John : I used to get served by this tall, broad guy with a wormy face. Joan : Yeah, That was my boyfriend. 🍰 Meaning Joan : 저 Arlington 쪽에서 일했어요. ‘Cake Baby’요. John : 케익 맛있었는데. Joan : 고마워요. John : 키크고 덩치좋은 남자가 우거지상을 하고 늘 빵을 팔곤했는데. Joan : 전 남친이에요...
[패턴연습] ‘원래대로라면, 오늘이 결혼식인데’ 영어로? http://m.blog.naver.com/joy4english/222170169472[패턴연습] '원래대로라면 이번주가 결혼식인데...'​This week would have been my wedding. would have pp (past participle) 는 과거에 계획했던 일...blog.naver.com
‘나를 봐서라도’...영어로? [Fri, Dec 11, 2020] 🧸 As a favor to me 나를 봐서라도 🎁 Example Joan : You have to just get to know her. Will you just do me a favor? Sunny : What? Joan : Would you just hang out with her once? Just two of you. Sunny : All right. Joan : As a favor to me. 🛍 Meaning Joan : 천천히 친해져봐. 부탁이 있어. Sunny : 뭐? Joan : 둘이 한번 따로 만나봐. Sunny : 알았어. Joan : 나를 봐서라도. 💌 Dear friends, God bless Friday. Can something possib..
[패턴영어] 맥주는 후라이드 치킨과 잘 맞지’ 영어로? http://m.blog.naver.com/joy4english/222169109764[패턴연습] '맥주는 후라이드 치킨과 잘 어울려'​Beer goes well with fried chicken _________ go(es) well with _____________ 1. 피자는 콜라와 잘 ...blog.naver.com
‘솔직히 말해서’...영어로? [Thur, Dec 10, 2020] 🧸 get it out 솔직히 말하다 🎁 Example Joan : So, what’s up with her? with Helen? Sunny : What? Joan : I’m just like, I don’t know, She’s in your wedding and you’ve only known her like 8 months, though, right? Sunny : Get it out, get it all out. She’s actually cool, Joan. 🛍 Meaning Joan : 너랑 Hellen? 어찌된거야? Sunny : 뭐가? Joan : 너랑 알고지낸지 8개월 밖에 안됐는데 네 결혼식에 오다니. Sunny : 솔직히 말해서, Hellen 진..
‘우린 죽이 잘 맞는다니까요’...영어로? [Wed, Dec 9, 2020] 🧸 We finish each other’s sentences 죽이 잘 맞는다니까요. 🎁 Example Joan : This is my husband, Kevin. I like to say it, we are newlyweds. Tony : Wow, congratulations. Joan : Thank you so much. We went on a sweetheart honeymoon. Tony : Where did you guys go? Joan, Kevin : Disney World. Joan : We finish each other’s sentences. 🛍 Meaning Joan : 제 남편, Kevin이구요. 우린 최근에 결혼했어요. Tony : 와, 축하해요...
‘격려해줘서 고마워요’...영어로? [Tue, Dec 8, 2020] 🧸 pep talk 격려 메시지 🎁 Example Joan : I’m telling you, hitting bottom is a good thing because there’s nowhere to go but up. Tony : Yeah, Thank you for the pep talk. 🛍 Meaning Joan : 바닥을 치는 건 좋은 거야. 올라갈 일만 남았으니까. Tony : 네, 격려해줘서 고마워요. 💌 Dear friends, Stay positive and start this day with that energy to ace the world. I hope you have a great day. 💋 #english #영어 #영어회화 #직장인영어 #취업영어 #..