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‘천직인 것 같아요.’..in English? [Fri, Dec 16, 2022] 🚁’천직인 것 같아요.’..in English? Like I was born to do it. ⛵️ Example Joanne: That uniform doesn’t wear you, You wear it. Is this really what you want? Tom: Like I was born to do it. ✈️ Meaning Joanne: 유니폼이 정말 잘 어울리네. 딱이다. 처음 근무한 소감이 어때? Tom: 천직인 것 같아요. #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Example #meaning #엄마표영어 #오픽AL표현 #중급회화표현 #기초영어회화 #영어한줄 #born #to_do #천직
‘정말 황당해요.’..in English? [Thur, Dec 15, 2022] 🚁’정말 황당해요.’..in English? I’m completely stumped! ⛵️ Example Joanne: Maybe there’s nothing to find. I’m completely stumped! And I hate being stumped. Tom: Maybe when your head clears, your vision will clear, too. Joanne: What are you saying? ✈️ Meaning Joanne: 원인이 없는지도 몰라요. 정말 황당해요. 이런 느낌 싫은데. Tom: 두통이 사라지면 정신이 또렷해질 거예요. Joanne: 무슨 뜻이에요? #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Exa..
‘딱 보면 알죠.’..in English? [We, Dec 14, 2022] 🚁’딱 보면 알죠.’..in English? It’s written all over your face.. ⛵️ Example Joanne: Hello, Tom. Tom: Hey, What’s this? Joanne: For your headache. Tom: How did you…? Joanne: It’s written all over your face. ✈️ Meaning Joanne: 왔어요? Tom: 뭐죠? Joanne: 두통에 좋은 거예요. Tom: 어떻게 알았어요? Joanne: 딱 보면 알죠. #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Example #meaning #엄마표영어 #오픽AL표현 #중급회화표현 #기초영어회화 #영어한줄 #writ..
‘오해하지 말고..’..in English? [Tue, Dec 13, 2022] 🚁’오해하지 말고..’..in English? Don’t take this the wrong way. ⛵️ Example Tom: Hey. I need to ask you a question. Jenny: Okay. Shoot. Tom: Don’t take this the wrong way. Jenny: I’ll try not to. ✈️ Meaning Tom: 안녕, 질문 하나 할게. Jenny: 그래, 해봐. Tom: 오해하지 말고. Jenny: 그래볼게. #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Example #meaning #엄마표영어 #오픽AL표현 #중급회화표현 #기초영어회화 #영어한줄 #take #wrong #way #오해하다
‘갱신을 안 하신 거죠.’..in English? [Mon, Dec 12, 2022] 🚁’갱신을 안 하신 거죠.’..in English? You forgot to renew it. ⛵️ Example Tom: Your license is expired. Jenny: Clerical error. Tom: No, you forgot to renew it. ✈️ Meaning Tom: 면허 기간이 만료됐네요. Jenny: 전산 오류겠죠. Tom: 갱신을 안 하신 거죠 #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Example #meaning #엄마표영어 #오픽AL표현 #중급회화표현 #기초영어회화 #영어한줄 #renew #갱신하다 #운전면허증 #driver #lisence
‘보스가 흔쾌히 보내줬어’..in English? [Fri, Dec 9, 2022] 🤷‍♀️ ’보스가 흔쾌히 보내줬어’..in English? My boss was cool about me leaving. 🤷‍♂️ Example Jenny: If you wanna stay, I’ll make you my famous grilled cheese. Tom: Nah, I gotta get back to the bistro in an hour. Jenny: So? He’ll survive without you. Tom: No, My boss was cool about me leaving. I’m not just gonna leave him hanging. 🤷 Meaning Jenny: 나 그릴 치즈 샌드위치 잘 만드는데 먹을래? Tom: 1시간 안에 식당으로 ..
‘수단과 방법을 가릴 때가 아냐.’..in English? [Thur, Dec 8, 2022] 🤷‍♀️ ’수단과 방법을 가릴 때가 아냐.’..in English? The end justifies the means. 🤷‍♂️ Example Jenny: Cathy. Cathy: What? Jenny: I’m not comfortable being here. You’re snooping. Cathy: The end justifies the means. 🤷 Meaning Jenny: Cathy. Cathy: 왜? Jenny: 남의 물건 뒤지는 거 보고 있기 불편해요. Cathy: 수단과 방법을 가릴 때가 아냐. #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Example #meaning #엄마표영어 #오픽AL표현 #중급회화표현 #기초영어회화 #영어한줄 ..
‘넌 온실 속 화초잖아.’..in English? [Wed, Dec 7, 2022] 🤷‍♀️ ’넌 온실 속 화초잖아.’..in English? You live in a bubble. 🤷‍♂️ Example Jenny: It’s not exactly safe up there, especially for somebody like you. Cathy: I’m sorry. What does that mean? Jenny: You live in a bubble. You’re not used to dealing with people that have an edge. 🍷 Meaning Jenny: 거긴 안전한 곳이 아니야. 특히 너 같은 사람에게는 Cathy: 미안한데 그게 무슨 뜻이죠? Jenny: 넌 온실 속 화초잖아. 사나운 사람들과 부대낀 경험 없을걸? #아..
‘그 점도 받아들여야 하죠’..in English? [Tue, Dec 6, 2022] 🤷‍♀️ ’그 점도 받아들여야 하죠’..in English? It’s part of the package. 🤷‍♂️ Example Jenny: So, what is it? Cathy: I can’t reach him, and nobody knows where he is. Jenny: Tom going off-grid isn’t exactly a new thing. It’s part of the package. 🍷 Meaning Jenny: 그래서, 무슨 일인데요? Cathy: 전화도 안 받고 어디 있는지 아무도 몰라요. Jenny: 탐이 잠수 타는게 처음은 아니에요. 그 점도 받아들여야 하죠. #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Example ..
‘배터리가 없어요.’..in English? [Mon, Dec 5, 2022] 🤷‍♀️ ’배터리가 없어요.’..in English? My phone’s about to run out of juice. 🤷‍♂️ Example Tony: Jim, my phone’s about to run out of juice. What’s up? Jim: All right, So I’ve got not great news about the house. Tony: What is it? 🍷 Meaning Tony: 짐, 배터리 없어서 빨리 얘기해야 해요. Jim: 집과 관련된 건데 별로 좋은 소식은 아니에요. Tony: 뭔데요? #아침메시지 #in_English #비즈니스영어표현 #영어로 #Example #meaning #엄마표영어 #오픽AL표현 #중급회화표현 #기초영..