‘생각보다 빨리 질리더라고’…영어로?
[Fri, Oct 8, 2021] ‘생각보다 빨리 질리더라고.’ in English❓ 🖌 get one’s fill of ……… ❄️ Sample Joan : 새해까지는 알프스에 계실 줄 알았다고요. Tony : 그래, 스위스가 생각보다 빨리 질리더라고. 🍁 In English Joan : Well, I was just gonna say, I thought you were gonna be in the Alps till New Year’s. Tony : Yeah, we got our fill of Switzerland pretty fast. 🔹 The 산맥 : The Alps (알프스산맥) 🔹 get one’s fill of : my, his, her, our, their, your, its #영어 #영어..
‘대단한 건 아니지만’…영어로?
[Tue, Sep 28, 2021] ⛄️ Nothing major, 대단한 건 아니지만, 🍎 Example Joan : Speaking of shopping, I have some news. My dad is finally letting me redo my room a little bit. Tony : Yes, New you. Joan : Nothing major, ❄️ Meaning Joan : 쇼핑얘기가 나와서 말인데, 알려줄 소식이 있어. 아빠가 드디어 내 방을 다시 꾸미게 해주셨어. Tony : 오, 새로운 조앤! Joan : 대단한 건 아니지만, 🍁 Dear friends, Everybody hates Monday, but it’s over now. Happy Tuesday fella.💋 #영어..