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‘좋게 해기해주려고 했지’...영어로? [Mon, April 19, 2021] 🌸 put in a good word 좋게 얘기해주다 🍪 Example Tony : I ran into Oliver. Joan : And you talked about me? Tony : Yeah, I wanted to put in a good word. Don’t worry.....totally professional. 🎂 Meaning Tony : 올리버 만났어. Joan : 내 얘기 했어? Tony : 좋게 해기해주려고 했지. 걱정 마. 공적인 대화였어. 🍮 Dear Friends, Good morning dear friend, I’m hoping this Monday for you, will overflow with love and joy. Have a sp..
‘1시간 전에는 일순위였잖아’...영어로? [Fri, April 16, 2021] 💌 the frontrunner 일순위 📧 Example Tony : Hey, Just wanted to say hi. Joan : I’m so happy to hear your voice. I’m having a terrible day. Tony : Talk to me. Joan : I’m not getting the job. Tony : What do you mean? An hour ago, you were the frontrunner. 🧧 Meaning Tony: 인사하려고 전화했어. Joan : 목소리 들으니까 반갑다. 오늘 끔찍했어. Tony : 얘기해봐. Joan : 그 자리 물 건너 갔어. Tony : 무슨 소리야? 1시간 전에는 일순위였잖아. 📮 De..
‘같이 술이나 진탕 퍼마시게’...영어로? [Thur, April 15, 2021] 💌 drown in alcohol. 술을 진탕 퍼마시다 📧 Example Tony : Sorry, Joan. You’re invited to join me at Findos tonight, where I will most certainly be drowning my sorrow in alcohol. Joan : Oh, I feel so bad about that. 🧧 Meaning Tony: 유감이네. Findos에 가자. 같이 술이나 진탕 퍼마시게. Joan : 정말 안됐다. 📮 Dear Friends, Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive. Happy Thursday.💋 #영..
‘신난다’...영어로? [Wed, April 14, 2021] 💌 I’m so pumped. 신난다. 📧 Example Tony : What is this? Joan : I wanna join you for weekend soccer. Tony : But you always make fun of me. Joan : Don’t you want me to play soccer with you? Tony : Yes! I’m so pumped. 🧧 Meaning Tony: 뭐야? Joan : 주말 축구 같이 하려고. Tony : 날 맨날 놀리잖아. Joan : 나랑 축구하기 싫어? Tony : 좋아! 신난다. 📮 Dear Friends, Do not overthink things, overthinking destroys what yo..
‘가능성이 희박하지만’...영어로? [Tue, April 13, 2021] 💌 It’s a long shot. 가능성이 희박하다. 📧 Example Joan : I’m gonna go for this job in the fashion department with or without your support. But I realize that’s a long shot, so...I would be really grateful to have a solid recommendation from you. Tony : Okay. 🧧 Meaning Joan: 도와주시든 안 도와주시든 패션 부서에 지원할 거예요. 하지만, 가능성이 작아 보여서 당신이 추천해 주시면 정말로 감사할 것 같아요. Tony : 알았어요. 📮 Dear Friends, If yest..
‘대박 쩔어요’...영어로? [Mon, April 12, 2021] 💌 It’s pretty sick. 대박 쩔어요. 📧 Example Tony : Hey, Are you wearing headphones? Joan : Did you hear the new Cardi B? It’s pretty sick. 🧧 Meaning Tony: 어이, 지금 헤드폰 꼈어? Joan: Cardi B 신곡 들으셨어요? 대박 쩔어요. 📮 Dear Friends, I’m hoping this Monday for you, will overflow with love and joy. Have a splendid one and a lovely week ahead.💋 #영어 #영어회화 #영어단어 #영어문법 #영어작문 #오픽토스 #엄마표영어 #미드영어 #스피킹 #..
‘그렇게 할게’...영어로? [Fri, April 9, 2021] 🍎 Done and done. 알겠어. 🥕 Example Joan : Are your friends into onion dip? Tony : Oh, yes, Actually they prefer cheese pizza with beer. Joan : Alright. Done and done. 🥑 Meaning Joan : 친구들 양파 딥 좋아해? Tony : 응. 근데 그것보다 치즈피자랑 맥주를 선호하지. Joan : 그래, 알았어. 🍒 Dear Friends, Friday doesn’t have to be perfect to bring you joy. Just do something you love, see someone you love and feel the lo..
‘그래두 자기가 원한다면야’...영어로? [Thur, April 8, 2021] 🍎 If the spirit moves you. 자기가 원한다면야. 🥕 Example Joan : Yeah, You need me to bring anything? Tony : Oh, no. It’s necessary. It’s being catered. But if the spirit moves you. 🥑 Meaning Joan : 좋아, 뭘 가져올까? Tony : 아니, 필요 없어. 요리사가 오거든. 그래도 자기가 원한다면야. 🍒 Dear Friends, Good morning, Happy Thursday, be someone’s sunshine today. 💋 #영어 #영어회화 #넷플릭스영어 #미드영어 #영어표현#스피킹 #리스닝 #영어어휘 #비즈니스영어 #고..
‘급작스러운거 알아’...영어로? [Wed, April 7, 2021] 🍎 It’s last minute. 급작스럽다. 🥕 Example Joan : Listen, I’m hosting a small dinner party tonight and I have some friends that I would love you to meet. But I know it’s last minute. Tony : Yeah, I’ll swing by. 🥑 Meaning Joan : 있잖아, 오늘 밤에 작은 만찬을 여는데 자길 소개하고 싶거든. 갑작스러운 거 알아. Tony : 알았어. 들를게. #수요일 #패턴영어 #영어 #영어회화 #스피킹 #영어말하기 #나혼자영어공부하기 #비즈니스영어 #엄마표영어 #초등영어 #급작스럽다 #last #minute
‘당신에겐 평범한 화요일이겠죠’...영어로? [Tue, April 6, 2021] 🍎 It’s just another Tuesday 평범한 화요일이겠죠. 🥕 Example Joan : Pretty devastating for me? but I guess for you it’s just another Tuesday. Tony : Oh, I wish it was Wednesday. That much closer to the weekend. 🥑 Meaning Joan : 제겐 끔찍한 하루지만, 당신에겐 평범한 화요일이겠죠. Tony : 수요일이면 좋겠어요. 주말에 더 가깝잖아요. 🍒 Dear Friends, Lots of wishes and blessings for the Tuesday. Happy Tuesday dear! 💋 #패턴영어 #넷플릭스 #오..