분류 전체보기 (1103) 썸네일형 리스트형 ‘언제든지 변할 수 있어’...영어로? [Tue, Feb 16, 2021] 🧸 That’s a coin toss. 언제든지 변할 수 있어 🪄 Example Joan : And then I come off not only as a liar, but as a coward. Tom : Why do this when we’re ahead? Joan : By what? Five points? That’s not a lead. That’s a coin toss. 🪆Meaning Joan : 그럼 난 거짓말쟁이에 겁쟁이까지 되는 겁니다. Tom : 우리가 앞섰는데 이걸 왜 하죠? Joan : 5포인트 차이로요? 앞서는게 아니죠. 언제든지 변할 수 있어요. 🎁 Dear Friends, If yesterday was good, today will be bet.. ‘더는 못 참겠어요’...영어로? [Mon, Feb 25, 2021] 🧸 I have had enough of him 더는 못 참겠어요 🪄 Example Joan : I’ve had enough of him. I’ll be outside. Tom : He does have a point. 🪆Meaning Joan : 더이상 못참아 주겠어요. 밖에서 기다릴게요. Tom : 그가 일리는 있어. 🎁 Dear Friends, Wish my love a morning full of love and success. Happy Monday.💋 #영어 #영어회화 #엄마표영어 #오픽토스 #비즈니스영어 #미드영어 #넷플릭스 ‘저도 트랜디해요’...영어로? [Wed, Feb 10, 2021] 🚘 in the mix 트랜디한 🛵 Example Joan : The thing is...I need someone who’s in the mix. Tony : Oh, I’m in the mix. I mean I’m steeped like Instagram, Tiktok. Joan : I’m just not sure it’s the right fit for you. 🚕 Meaning Joan : 문제는 전 트랜디한 분이 필요하다는 거죠. Tony : 저도 트랜디해요. 대박 많이요. 인스타그램도 하고 틱톡도 하고. Joan : 당신한테 맞는 자리인지 모르겠어요. 🚙 Dear Friends, Cheer up! The day has just begun, there are a.. ‘혹시 저좀 넣어줄 수 없을까요?’...영어로? [Tue, Feb 9, 2021] 🚘 slide someone in ~를 끼어넣어주다 🛵 Example Joan : Your appointment was at 3 o’clock. Tony : Yeah, I had a small emergency. Do you think there’s any chance you could slide me in? 🚕 Meaning Joan : 약속은 3시였는데요. Tony : 네, 근데 긴급한 일이 있었어요. 혹시 저좀 넣어줄 수 없을까요? 🚙 Dear Friends, If yesterday was good, today will be better. Happy Tuesday. 💋 #넷플릭스로영어공부하기 #초등영어 #엄마표영어 #영작문 #영어회화 #영어 #오픽토스 #영어문법 #.. ‘나가서 한잔하자. 내가 쏠게’...영어로? [Mon, Feb 8, 2021] 🚘 sneak out 몰래 나가다 🛵 Example Joan : Well, that sounds... when’s that on? Tony : Hey, I feel like being bad. Let’s sneak out and get a drink, my treat. 🚕 Meaning Joan : 그것 참...방송 언제야? Tony : 기분 꿀꿀하네. 나가서 한잔하자. 내가 쏠게. 🚙 Dear Friends, Wish my love a morning full of love and success. Happy Monday.💋 #영어공부혼자하기 #영어회화공부 #어휘외우기 #영어문법 #영작문 #오픽토스 #직장인영어 #넷플릭스 #미드영어 #엄마표영어 #초등영어 #넷플릭스로영어공.. ‘신났겠네’...영어로? [Fri, Feb 5, 2021] 🛼 over the moon 너무나도 황홀한 ⛸ Example Joan : Have you heard from Jenny? Tony : Yes, Do you keep up with Susie? Joan : She and Walker got married a couple of years ago. Tony : Mm, That’s fantastic. She must be over the moon. 🎲 Meaning Joan : Jenny랑 연락해? Tony : 응, Susie랑 연락해? Joan : Walker랑 몇년전에 결혼했데. Joan : 멋진데. 신났겠네. 🧩 Dear Friends, Friday doesn’t have to be perfect to bring you .. ‘깜빡 했나봐’...영어로? [Thur, Feb 4, 2021] 🛼 slip one’s mind 깜빡 하다 ⛸ Example Joan : Maybe it slipped her mind. Tony : Hello again. I was stuck in the middle and I didn’t know what to do. 🎲 Meaning Joan : 그녀가 깜빡 했나봐. Tony : 또 만나서 반가워. 둘 가운데 껴서 어떻게 해야 할지 몰랐어. 🧩 Dear Friends, Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive. Happy Thursday💋 #영어회화 #영어 #영어작문 #영어문법 #오픽토스 #미드영어 #영어과외 #엄마표영어 #초등영어 #영어말하기 #.. ‘화해하기에 딱 좋은 장소야’...영어로? [Wed, Feb 3, 2021] 🛼 make amends 화해하다 ⛸ Example Joan : I haven’t seen her in so long and I want to talk to her, but I’m so nervous. Tony : Oh, you should talk to her. You guys were such good friends. This is the perfect place to make amends. 🎲 Meaning Joan : 진짜 오랜만에 봤는데, 얘기하고 싶어도 긴장돼서 못 하겠어. Tony : 얘기해봐. 너흰 베프였잖아. 화해하기에 딱 좋은 장소야. 🧩 Dear Friends, Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and mo.. ‘굴 속이라도 들어가 있었어?...영어로? [Tue, Feb 2, 2021] 🛼 under a rock 세상과 담을 쌓고 살다 ⛸ Example Joan : My God, I haven’t seen you in, like forever. Tony : Yeah. Joan : Have you been living under a rock? Tony : I’ve been, you know, lying low. 🎲 Meaning Joan : 세상에, 진짜 오랜만이다. Tony : 그래. Joan :굴 속이라도 들어가 있었어? Tony : 조용히 지내고 있지. 🧩 Dear Friends, Breathe in and out today. Enjoy the freshness of the air and believe that all things will fall .. ‘다른데서 지낼게요’...영어로? [Mon, Feb 1, 2021] 🛼 make arrangements 갖추다, 구비하다 ⛸ Example Joan : If you don’t want me here, I can make other arrangements. Tony : Ih, don’t be ridiculous. This house is as much as yours as it is mine. 🎲 Meaning Joan : 저 보기 싫으시면 다른데서 지낼게요. Tony : 말도 안되는 소리마. 여긴 네집이기도 해. 🧩 Dear Friends, Waking up to a new day is a gift, appreciate it and do remember you are loved. Good morning and have a splendid.. 이전 1 ··· 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ··· 111 다음